Entity Release

This technique comes to us from Tashira Tachi-Ren. It is useful to do it daily, if you are feeling particularly cloudy or if you have been in a very dense place such as a pub. It is best to do it out loud.

Call for assistance: “Archangel Michael, please bring down the tunnel of Light. Ariel, Azrael and Aru-Kiri, please assist”

“I break any and all agreements or contracts, both conscious and unconscious, that I have made, anyone in my body has made, or anyone in my spiritual or genetic lineage has made, with any astral entities, thought forms, demons, dark forces, elementals, aliens, satanics, demonics, lost souls, discarnates, parasites, separates and backlash. Please go into the tunnel of Light, we will take you home.”

From the moment you begin an entity release, assume that feelings or thoughts that come up may not be your own. Boredom, spaciness, resistance, anger, aches, nausea, disbelief and grief may all be coming from entities. Identify them and send them to the Light i.e. “entity holding resistance, please go into the Light”. Toning can be useful to ease their release. When you feel clear or lighter, ask Michael to take the tunnel back to the fifth dimension.