Higher Light Integration

This work opens the DNA to accept more Light.  It supports the building of the Lightbody and prepares the energy bodies for reunification with the Oversoul.

A gridwork of Higher Light is built on the surface of the physical body. This is connected to the physical meridian system and chakras. These in turn feed the Light into the internal meridian (axial) system to reach the DNA in every cell of the body.

A Higher Light Integration is a blissful session which assists in embodying much more of your Being so that you can raise your frequency and live Heaven on Earth.

This process may also help to relieve some of the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue, Fibro Myalgia, Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus if they are caught early enough.


Body Consciousness Realignment

Etheric Crystal Removal

Divinity Threshold Recalibration

Astral Devices

Sessions are available online only (on Zoom)

Contact Chintan on +447835899250 or by email to make a private session booking

Price £85 per hour, this session takes 1-2 hours

Contact Gabriel by email to make a private session booking
Price £58 per hour, this session takes approximately 2 hours 30

Ahlmeirah is not doing private sessions at the moment
Email Ahlmeirah or contact her on +33 (0)4 68 74 93 58

Check out the Practitioner Register and find a practitioner who resonates with you

The full sequence of basic Lightbody work takes 7-10 hours