Stories From Source

This section of the website is dedicated to channelled poems, stories and various writings by Gabriel. While these writings can take many forms, the overarching theme is the upliftment of Consciousness on the journey of growth, with its infinite twists and turns, and delightful discoveries to be found.

It is Gabriel’s intention that these brief writings may inspire others who find themselves on their own journeys of growth, as he has been inspired by the deep spiritual truths found in the written works of many illumined souls, including Dr. David Hawkins and Paramahansa Yogananda.

A small taste:

A poem to Infinite Presence, 03 06 24


The tides of history

Do ebb and flow

All things lead back to You


Paths and hurdles

Mazes and mines

The subtle movement of a whirlpool


I go, return, send forth, release

All I know and am

And find myself returned to You


Your gaze, unflinching, present, eternal

Opens doorways and births life

Through still waters do you move


Tomorrow, today, now I realise

The holy gift to choose

Light or shadow, sound or silence


I choose to return to you

Let go all grief, and transcend

Wandering desires, beliefs


Identity itself fades away

Senses retreat, turn in, turn upwards

And We are One


All things lead back to You